Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Slice of Cherry Pie - Part 1

The vagina.

Also known as the axe/hatchet wound, bearded clam, beef curtains, beaver, muff, honey pot, cock holster, tongue magnet and pink taco--just to name a few.

The vagina (from Latin vagÄ­na, literally "sheath" or "scabbard") is a fibromuscular tubular tract leading from the uterus to the exterior of the body in female placental mammals and marsupials, or to the cloaca in female birds, monotremes, and some reptiles. Female insects and other invertebrates also have a vagina, which is the terminal part of the oviduct. The Latinate plural "vaginae" is rarely used in English.

The word vagina is quite often used colloquially to refer to the vulva or female genitals generally; technically speaking, the vagina is a specific internal structure. In humans, the passage leads from the opening of the vulva to the uterus (womb). It lies midway between theanal tract and the urethra.

And so we have the medical definition of the lady flower, but what exactly does it mean in human terms? It's the holiest of holes; the nectar of the gods; man's ultimate conquest. It is a thing of both beauty and repulsion. It houses desires beyond belief; a female's own Pandora's Box. It is a doorway into total ecstasy and life itself. It is truly a work of art.

One thing I like about the pussy (yes, I'm going to be bold and call it what it is--I'll even say...dare I?...cunt) is that like the penis no two are the same. What artist can't appreciate the various curves and textures of a woman's pussy? And the best part is that viginas are like presents: open them up and you'll find a big surprise inside.

As I said, some people find a woman's cunt to be repulsive, and after seeing the love hole up close and personal like this I can understand why--we also have to keep in mind that "the average human girl-gash is host to 15 different strains of bacteria, 'good germs' designed to ward off the renegade 'bad germs' which can invade a vagina and make life hell for everyone." And we can't forget vigina odor, right? 

But in hindsight all of this seems very unfair to the cum catcher. After all, men have gone to war over a woman's pussy. They have killed for it, stolen for it, lied for it, ended marriages and relationships for it. Surely something with such power can't be all bad! And it's not. In fact, here are some reasons why I think it's a work of art....

Hidden Treasure

Skirts. Men love them because they're treasure chests just waiting to be opened. On a visual scale, the skirt is one of the greatest inventions ever made because it shows a lot, but not everything. This drives men crazy as they fantasize what's under it. What type of panties is she wearing? Or is she going commando style? Is she trimmed, shaved or natural? Yes...lots of fun possibilities here.

Once we get the skirt off we come to another barrier: the panties. There's nothing prettier than a pussy in panties.

Continued in Part 2...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Assume the Position!

Today I wanted to discuss the utter beauty of a woman's body during sex.

Men are, obviously, attracted to all kinds of things that a woman presents even before sex occurs. Some men love feet. A set of high heels may be all it takes to get a man thinking about sex with a woman--that and a nice pair of legs doesn't hurt.

The feet thing isn't my cup of tea (and I simply don't understand foot fetish porn at all), but I do love a nice pair of silky smooth legs.

I'll get into women's legs another time, but suffice it to say that they are definitely magnets to the eye.

Anyway, let's get into what I was going to talk about: sexual positions.

Fair warning, Reader; if you are offended by photos of intercourse then please skip this section. 

There are several positions that I find sexually stimulating. One of my favorites is the reverse cowgirl.

 Sorry for the use of "porn pics," but it was all I could find. I much prefer "the natural look," but when in a pinch.... Anyway, the reason I love this position so much is because of the various things that I as the man can do in that position: grab or run my fingers through her hair, sit up and squeeze her breasts or have her lean back so I can squeeze them, rub her back or stroke it with my fingers, stroke her arms or hold them back, and place my hands on her hips or shoulders. All of these things sexually excite me.

Also, having a woman on top of you gives her a certain amount of power over you, which I like at times. But at the same time that power can be transfered back to the man by allowing him to repeatedly thrust upward under her while she sits still--although I do like it when she rocks her hips a little. It's also a good position for her to do wonderful things to the man and herself: play with her clit, touch his balls, rub the underside of his cock as it slides in and out of her, and massage her breasts and nipples.

Visually, I love how the woman's body looks in this position because so many things happen. The breasts flatten out the further back she sits/stretches and her hair (if long enough) rubs against the man's chest and face. And when a woman is bouncing on top of you, riding you like a pony, you get that truly beautiful visual of her tits bouncing to the rhythm of her passion. You also get to watch her ass grind into you and hair flop around like some wild animal caught in a trap. Again, these are all things that excite me.

Another position I like is woman-on-top.

Again, this position mirrors many of my thoughts about the reverse cowgirl: power of the woman on top (which seems to be even more powerful because she's able to look you in the eye), breast play, etc. This position is a visual treat because you get to see the beauty of her eyes, lips and breasts--and even ears, I suppose, if your into that sort of thing. I myself love cupping or playing with her breasts and nipples in this position while looking at her face. It's even more exciting to me if she's biting into her lower lip or has her mouth slightly open in the troughs of ecstasy. 

Another position I'm found of is standing behind the woman.

This position lets the couple play in all kinds of ways that sexually excite me to no end. In a way it's a game of giving and receiving sexual power for each other as it's mostly touching and kissing that's done in this position. The man gets to feel her entire upper body while the woman manipulates him with her hands--and trust me when I say a woman's hand around a man's cock is complete power for the woman because she has the ability to make him as excited as she wants with a simple light or hard stroke of the wrist.

Kissing the neck, ears and shoulders of the woman for several minutes while exploring her body with his hands can get a man worked up into a frenzy that will be unleashed on the woman once they begin having sex. Again, it's the work of art called a woman that holds this kind of power over a man.

Yet another position I dig is 69.

Again, I apologize for the use of porn photos. I really do want this to be a respectable blog to woman. Unfortunately it's hard to find more naturalistic photos (in fact, if anyone out there knows of any sites that post the kind of photos I'm looking for please let me know). Anyway, this is an amazing position for me for two reason: eating her out (and trust me, we'll get to the beauty of the vagina eventually) and feeling her breasts rub against my lower body. That may sound odd for a guy to say, but the truth is I'm not big into getting blowjobs. It's just one of those things that I have to be in the mood for.  

Exploring the wonders of the vagina is almost like an expedition into the jungles of South America: it's hot, wet, deeply hidden and spectacular to look at. This position also allows the couple to explore the body with their hands--at least for the person on the bottom since they don't have to worry about supporting themselves one-handed. And, of course, if the man is on the bottom he gets a peek at the most hidden of treasures on the female body: the anus.

Yep. Lots of fun things to do with that little guy.  :>)

OK. This post is getting rather long and no doubt boring to some of you, so I'll mention just two more positions: Missionary and woman-on-her-knees.


I like this old standby because the man is able to do so many different things with his partner: hold her legs up, but her legs over his shoulder, touch her body, hold onto her breasts, kiss and lick her body, and so on. And there's nothing more powerful than feeling a woman's legs wrapped around your ass or thighs as she bucks under you. Visually, I'm stimulated by the sight of a woman on her back, her breasts spread apart begging to be played with. I also love seeing the woman's hair spread out behind her on the bed. Eye contact and playing of the lips (be it her wetting them with her tongue or bitting them) is also very nice.


I think it's pretty obvious why a man would love this position. To me it's all about power. Seeing someone kneeling before you ready to pleasure you needs no explanation. But there's also that intimacy you get as she gazes up at you with those sultry eyes. And when seeing her in that position the geek in me is reminded of a Conan painting by the late great Frank Frazetta:

And there you have it! Sorry for the extra lengthy post. Perhaps next time I will cut the longer ones into parts. I hope I was able to adequately explain why I feel that the female form looks so beautiful in the sex positions that I described. In no way was I trying to solicit porn just for the sake of porn. I truly wanted to express my love for women's bodies in a fashionable light and hopefully I was able to do that.

And if you disagree, well, that's your prerogative.