Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Mountains of Maharashtra

Let's talk breasts for a moment.

Tits. Tatas. Funbags. Headlights. Hooters. Jahoobies. Jugs. Knockers. Puppies. Num-nums. Yazoos.

I can already hear some of you out there saying, "Hey! What the hell? I thought this blog was supposed to be about worshiping women! Why are you being a male chauvinist pig?!" First of all, that is not my intention. I respect women in more ways than most men and those who know me can attest to that fact. Second, I think it's better to be honest and upfront. This blog will feature slang, cussing, pornographic material and a host of other "nastiness" that will no doubt piss some of you off.

However, I urge you to continue reading.

I'm a believer in the old axiom that if you take power away from something (slang terms for breasts, in this example) then it can't harm you. Granted, that's easier said than done sometimes, but we can at least give it a shot. Anyway, I figured we'd start with examining the breasts because they are the most obvious attention getting parts on the female body. And before I throw in my two cents worth on the subject, I thought it would be interesting to get into some medical/scientific information about breasts that I found interesting. The following is a selection from

Shape and support

There is considerable variation in a the volume, shape, size and spacing of a woman's breasts.[9] They vary in size, density, shape, sag and position on a woman's chest, and their external appearance is not predictive of their internal anatomy or potential for nursing. The three major determinants of breast appearance are size, shape of the individual breast and the position of the breast and nipple when standing in an upright position.[10] Normal life events that produce hormonal changes can alter the size and shape of a woman's breasts. These include themenstrual cycle,[11] menopause, or medical conditions including virginal breast hypertrophy. Women can experience unusual or unexpectedly rapid growth in breast size during to pregnancy or after birth.[10]
The natural shape of a woman's breasts is primarily dependent on the support provided by the Cooper's ligaments and the underlying chest on which they rest (the base). Cooper's ligaments, also known as the suspensory ligaments of Cooper, suspend the breasts from the clavicle and the clavi-pectoral fascia. As their fibers run around and through the breast, these ligaments support the breasts in its position on the chest wall and maintain their normal shape. The breast is also attached at its base to the chest wall by the deep fascia over the pectoral muscles. In a small number of women, the frontal ducts (ampullae) in the breasts are not flush with the surrounding breast tissue, which causes the sinus area to visibly bulge outward.
Some breasts are high and rounded, and protrude almost horizontally from the chest wall. Such "high" breasts are common for girls and women in early stages of development. The protruding or high breasts are anchored to the chest at the base, and the weight is distributed evenly over the area of the base of the approximately dome- or cone-shaped breasts. In the "low" breast, a proportion of the breasts' weight is actually supported by the chest against which the lower breast surface comes to rest, as well as the deep anchorage at the base. The weight is thus distributed over a larger area, which has the effect of reducing the strain. In both males and females, the thoracic cavity slopes progressively outwards from the thoracic inlet (at the top of the breastbone) above to the lowest ribs which mark its lower boundary, allowing it to support the breasts.
The inframammary fold (or line, or crease) is an anatomic structure created by adherence between elements in the skin and underlying connective tissue[12] and represents the inferior extent of breast anatomy. Some teenagers may develop breasts whose skin comes into contact with the chest below the fold at an early age, and some women may never develop such breasts; both situations are perfectly normal.
I wanted to bring shape up because (and this is just my own opinion as a man) it's the most sexually stimulating part of the breast. Granted, many men would say the nipples or even the areolas, but for me it's the firm, round, soft shape of the breasts that make them so desirable. To prove my point, let's take a look at some photos of various sized tatas:

Now those are some nice tits, wouldn't you agree? I tried to include as many different sizes and shapes as possible to prove that the shape of the breasts is without a doubt the most eye-catching part. Various curves and dips and firmness all add to this. Just looking at these photos makes me want to handle some gorgeous cans! And, really, what's wrong with that? Our bodies (both male and female) were made for procreation. Why is there so much shame in this world when it comes to the naked body? Why should we be made to feel like sexual deviants just because we want to engage our hormones?

To those out there who feel the need to throw your believes in our faces, keep your opinions to yourself. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of. In my eyes God created woman as the physical embodiment of beauty, a beauty so strong that no man (or woman) can deny it. I think it's natural to lust after beauty, be it a sunset, a rainbow, colors on a crisp Autumn day or a woman's body. There is no harm in showing appreciation of God's work.

And can't argue that tits feel GREAT in your hands. :>)

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